Tips and updates on how to get rid of guava and codling moth

Eco-friendly moth control

Solar moth traps are eco-friendly, targeted solutions. Deadly to guava and codling moths yet they are safe for everyone else.

Keep reading to learn the benefits of eco-friendly pest control. Our green approach to how to get rid of guava and codling moth could effectively sort out this pest problem in your garden, orchard or nursery. 

You’ll also find some mouth-watering recipes for your fruit crops. We will upload some wonderful ideas on how to enjoy your plums, feijoas, peaches, citrus, guavas, loquats, pears,  and macadamia nuts.

how to get rid of moths


Guava Moth in Citrus
Guava Moth in Citrus

Does your citrus fruit look like this?  Guava moth is a problem all year round it can infect trees in all seasons. The young caterpillar makes a tiny hole in the fruit’s skin as it burrows inside effectively ruining your winter crop of citrus fruit. 

If you need further help to get rid of codling and guava moths at your place, feel free to give the Trapz NZ team a call or send us an email. We’ll get back in touch ASAP.